Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Swing Out Loveliness Redux: An Utterly Sublime Essay on Filth + Dreams!

Hello again all,

Thanks to a link from Andy posted on the Swing Out Facebook page, I was directed to a remarkable—to say the least!—essay by one Thomas Cooney on the 10th anniversary of Filth + Dreams. Now anyone who knows me knows that Swing Out are essentially my religion, and that F+D, Somewhere Deep in the Night, and Shapes + Patterns, are all aesthetically immaculate and resplendently flawless masterworks as far as I'm concerned, essentially gospel, but Thomas took it leagues further in a beautifully thought-out treatise. I thought about just reposting the whole damn thing in its entirety, but thought it better to just link to it. Dig... this ESSENTIAL reading!!! xo, B.

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