Monday, July 18, 2011

Touring the World with Black XS Live Sound........

These Takeaway Shows by Black XS Live Sound are so boundlessly charming + resplendently photographed that I've been utterly rapt making my way through the series........ The Shugo Tokumaru is musically the loveliest + has the most enchanting color, but seeing Polock do a song that I so love ("Fireworks!") on the beach in Spain is in and of itself mightily beguiling...... Yora + Mujeres are both bands that are new to me but that I want to hear much more from........... + are on both counts adorable, especially Mujeres' tousled lead singer, because as everyone who knows me well knows—give me a tousled Spanish boy in a Fred Perry shirt + I'm eternally grateful....... But the two boys that I'm most MADLY IN LOVE WITH out of this lot are the two GODLY RAVISHING close-cropped bearded boys from the Stereotypes!!! Enjoy all....... xo, B.

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