Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random Aesthetic Loveliness of the Day: House Industries

I'll freely admit that as much as I still love House Industries, the time when their name commanded my instant respect and awe are gone, partly for financial reasons (I don't see how anyone can still pay hundreds of dollars for fonts (I don't think any freelancer without a company expense account can), especially when the quality of available free ones has skyrocketed leagues + miles further into the stratosphere than I EVER thought it could—I've gotten hundreds of brilliant + beautiful fonts in the last year without paying a dime—and all legally), partly for others, but I'll always inherently love what they do + have boundless respect for their genius mod-Eames/Neutra aesthetic! Case in point—these resplendently lovely case study pics from the current House Industries home page. Dig! xo, B.

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